Esclusive collezioni a Matera
The designation of Matera as a European Capital of Culture 2019 inspired the exclusive creation for Boutique Anna of two small t-shirt and scarf collections. The t-shirts are the result of the creative inspiration of the artist Lara Urso, who redesigned the ancient subjects of rock paintings and folklore that characterize the city of Matera and embellished them with colorful stones and glitter. The result is a unique collection of its kind. Each t-shirt is handmade and finely handcrafted, so each piece is different from the others. The scarves reproduce the same themes as the details of the frescoes from the "Crypt of the Original Sin" and the old sketches of the triumphal chariot of "Madonna della Bruna" . Anna Boutique thanks the Zetema Foundation, for granting to us the use of images of the Crypt of the Original Sin.
La Cripta del Peccato Originale
La Cripta del Peccato Originale si trova in una cavità rocciosa a strapiombo su una delle gravine dell’altopiano delle Murge, a pochi chilometri da Matera.
Il Carro della Bruna
La Cripta del Peccato Originale si trova in una cavità rocciosa a strapiombo su una delle gravine dell’altopiano delle Murge, a pochi chilometri da Matera.